TIP: Destroy the Super Mutants’ meat bags to discourage them from sticking around.Repair it as quickly as possible, or else rad levels in the area will become much more hazardous. If the Rad Scrubber takes too much damage, it will deactivate.Make sure to defend the Rad Scrubber from an onslaught of Super Mutants.Find and activate the Rad Scrubber within the crater, and then prepare for a fight!.

It will appear on your map in the Savage Divide at a crater that can be found east of Foundation, and south of Huntersville. “Eviction Notice” is a challenging new Public Event tuned for higher-level characters.Visit the crater to assess the situation, and ensure the area is safe so that work can get back underway. They even managed to engineer a solution to the crater’s immense radiation levels by inventing a machine known as a “Rad Scrubber.” However, a radio broadcast from one of the Settlers at the construction site indicated that they’ve been forced out by a band of Super Mutants. The Settlers at Foundation have been working to expand their territory by setting up a new encampment within a nearby blast crater. The more Gladiators of Steel who survive their time in the ring, the higher your chances to earn rare rewards. Make sure to defend your teammates, and have Stimpaks at the ready if they fall.Keep a lookout for the Golden Eyebot to make an appearance! Do your best to take it down to claim an added bounty of Caps.Once you’ve conquered all three rounds, you will earn some loot, XP, and have a chance to pick up rare rewards, including plans to craft the new Botsmith Armor set.Defeat the opposition in one round, and you’ll advance to the next. You and the Gladiators of Steel will square off against the bots in three rounds of frenzied combat.Once Test Your Metal begins, you will join three members of the Brotherhood field team to compete as gladiators against the Rust Eagles’ deadly machines.Travel there and speak with Initiate Pappas to start the event. The “Test Your Metal” Public Event will appear on your map at the Metal Dome, north of Fort Atlas in the Savage Divide.Now, you can join forces with the “Gladiators of Steel” in a fierce contest to survive against the robots inside the Rust Eagle Arena. Concerned about the threat this may pose to Appalachia, Scribe Valdez recently sent a field team to investigate. The Brotherhood of Steel have uncovered that a group of Blood Eagles, calling themselves the Rust Eagles, have been stockpiling spare robot parts to construct an army of combat bots. After June 28, Public Events will resume being selected completely at random every 20 minutes.
At 20 and 40 minutes after the hour, one event will be selected at random from the full Public Event pool, which includes our newest three.Every hour, at the top of the hour, one of “Test Your Metal,” “Moonshine Jamboree,” or “Eviction Notice,” will be selected to begin.Please Note: We’ve temporarily adjusted Public Event selection until June 28, so that you will have more opportunities to try out our three newest Public Events over the next two weeks.
Today’s update introduces three new Public Events to Fallout 76: “Test Your Metal,” “Moonshine Jamboree,” and “Eviction Notice.” Catch a brief rundown on each event below, and then head in-game to check them out!